August 2/2022

Hi all,

Yes, I’m still alive.

The music fest is officially over. Honestly, the music fest weekend came to quick, because to me, it’s like the “unofficial end” of summer. She didn’t get to come the music fest, because the Monday leading up to music fest weekend (July 25/2022), she got her schedule that night & she had to work Thursday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday, meaning she sadly couldn’t come. A few friends of mine mentioned/ asked, well why didn’t she take the weekend off. She didn’t do that, because she’s not even 1 month in at her new job yet. So, I took as many pictures & videos of the festival for her, as well as doing my best to do a “tour” of the venue when I got out there on Thursday, July 28/2022. I also bought her a music fest t-shirt & hat from this year, & a hoodie from a past year, along with a few things from some vendors inside the venue. I did get to see her on Monday, August 1/2022 for a few hrs & obviously give her everything I bought her this weekend.

I did get her a music fest weekend pass & camping pass (before I knew her setting up her tent across from our trailer would be okay with mom), & I didn’t want them to be “wasted”, so I ended up selling them over the weekend. The weekend pass went to a good friend I’ve been friends with since we were both 2 yrs old, & the camping pass went to 2 people who showed up while I was doing parking on the Saturday (July 30) afternoon & were in looking for a camping pass & their phone’s internet didn’t want to load the music fest site to purchase one right there.

She does work this week & weekend again, Thursday (August 4), Friday (August 5) & Saturday (August 6). She got this schedule on Monday, August 1, so it seems like she gets the week’s schedule on Mondays.

Referring to my last post, about her meeting mom on the music fest weekend, she did actually meet mom on July 16/2022, while we were in the city. Mom does like her & she likes mom, as she figured mom would. I did tell mom before we went to bed that night & after she had went back home, who she is to me. Whether mom still remembers who she is to me (girlfriend) or not, is a different story.

Her coming out camping again, any weekend after the music fest weekend, is sadly still up in the air as well as what to do after camping is done for the season, since that seems to be creeping up somewhat quicker then I’d like. Hopefully we’ll figure things out. When I saw her on Monday, August 1 I did ask if her schedule app has a spot to ask for/ request days off & it does. While I was there I did mention our last weekend camping this year will likely be the Sept. 10 weekend & I asked her which weekend (if not any weekend sooner), would she pick to come out camping again & she picked the Labour Day long weekend, so fingers crossed she can come out Labour Day long weekend, even with mom being out there too.

When I mentioned to her on Monday, August 1 that mom said a few days earlier, if she comes out camping again, mom might as well stay home, because me & her would just be gone all day & leave mom at the trailer by herself, she did say that we probably wouldn’t be gone all day/ at all. She’d likely be hanging around our trailer talking to my mom & getting to know her, because she likes my mom, & my mom likes her.

The job is going good so far. It’s actually finished on August 31. I did/ do like the job & the pay, but I honestly can’t wait for it to be finished. I will obviously be job searching to try find another job. This one would hopefully be in the same “city” the girlfriend works in, so there’s more opportunities to see her, even if it’s just stopping by for an hr or 2.

I’m still honestly not sure if I’ll apply for the same job next year or not. I’m currently still at 50/50 for applying or not applying again. The main reason for even considering not applying again is because we start at 6:30 AM, so I’m assuming that would be the same next year. Reasons for applying again are only 4 days a week, off at 4:30 PM on the dot each day & it’s only a 10 min drive from where I live.


Anyways, that’s all for now at 7:28 PM.

Until next time….. or the first edit. 😛