
Welcome to the blog!


Welcome to my blog. I started this blog, just today (March 12/2017) after doing a random “Audio Log” on my PC tonight about things going on in my life. I will try post everyday, or every other day. Vlogs may also be coming in the future. As this blog has just been setup, things will be added over time, such as more pages, categories, etc. Right now, the about page & contact page are just fine. Sometimes my blog posts will be long & sometimes they will be short.

I will not be posting my personal Facebook link.

A note about some posts. Some posts in the Personal/ My Life category will sometimes be 2 posts, titled the same day, with the 2nd one having “(Again)” in the title, which only happens if I make one post on that date, just after midnight & then another later on in the afternoon. Edits will sometimes be made to posts, including the edit time. Another note about the Personal category, is that any post that has Personal/ My Life as a category, whether it’s the only category or not, will have comments disabled on it.

Any rude, disrespectful, racist, etc. comments on any post will be removed.

Sometimes they may have pictures & sometimes they won’t. If they do, the pictures will likely be linked from IMGUR to save space on this domain as it is a free domain.

If I’ve been posting everyday, & then suddenly skip a day, or a few days, it’ll either be because, I’ve been busy & haven’t had time, keep forgetting to, or there was just nothing to post about those particular days

Note, most recent posts are displayed at the top below this post because this one is a Sticky Post.



Last updated April 14/2017 

These items subject to change without notice

March 27/2024

Hi all,

Been a while since the last post. Just haven’t had the motivation again to post, even though it’s crossed my mind more then once lately.

Nothing much has happened since my last post, which, again, is the reason for the silence here. I’m still job searching, but did apply to the town job again this year.

Referring to the business idea mentioned in my last post. It’s still an interest, but I have yet to do the “experiment” I mentioned to see if I’d enjoy that type of work or not. However, in order to do that experiment, the first thing that has to happen is the intended area I want to install all the equipment needs to get cleaned up, & then a room has to be built first.

With snow being partially still present here & the ground being muddy, no work on that front will be commencing until it dries up because doing any work while it’s still muddy will tear up the lawn.

A different update, & something I’m not sure I’ve mentioned before is regarding a good friend & someone I consider a brother who lives overseas in NZ. The timezone difference between us has always made it difficult to communicate, with him usually being online after midnight for me, but we have managed to share a few messages back & forth at that hour in the past, since I’m a bit of a night owl.

However, looking back in our message history, the last time I received a message in return was Nov. 26/2023. I still send what I consider “update” messages every so often, just saying I hope he’s doing well & hope to talk soon. Updates about our real lives that we would share with each other are way to long to type out, & are easier to do over a voice call.

I guess part of me is just worried (even though it’s been mentioned in past 2022 & 2023 messages that this likely isn’t the case despite the long silence in-between messages & the fact we don’t do voice calls that often anymore), that I’ve fallen out of his life or just been forgotten entirely, or that I’ve somehow made him angry at me (without knowing how) & that’s why I haven’t heard back from him.

I know, in my mind, that it’s 110% likely none of those things are the case at all & that it’s really more likely he’s just super busy with life & hasn’t had a chance to hop online lately.

My last “update” message I sent to him was actually on March 23/2024, since I’ve been sending them about a month apart (that wasn’t planned. Just always ends up being about a month in-between each one). While I won’t disclose his job in NZ, I will mention that in the past we’ve both jokingly talked about him transferring to the same job here in Canada, with me also randomly sending him Indeed job search links for that job here in Canada, in the city closest to me. I say jokingly because, while I have actually never moved anywhere, let alone moved out of Canada, I do realize that’s a very big thing for anyone to do.

Fingers crossed I do hear back from him though. I’m positive that at one point, we came to an understanding that real life does (sadly) take priority over most, if not all things that are online, including communication with friends/ brothers.

I do recall sharing the link to this blog with him in a past message, so, if by some chance you’re reading this bro, I just wanna say, I hope everything is good with you on your end of life, you definitely haven’t fallen out of my life & I’ll always consider you a brother. I really do hope I hear from you soon in some way.

Anyways, that’s all for now at 5:30 PM on March 27/2024

Until next time….. or the first edit. 😛


Jan. 22/2024

Hi all,

Been a while since I last posted. Just haven’t had the motivation to, despite it crossing my mind more then once lately. Nothing much worth mentioning has happened since the music fest weekend post, which is also another reason for the silence here. I’m unfortunately still job-searching, but do intend to apply in town again this year.

Lately, I’ve been debating trying (keyword trying) to start some type of networking/ low voltage business locally (Computers, Network Equipment, CCTV, Access Control, etc.), but nothing is set in stone yet. I do like the idea of doing the work involved, after following another Canadian YouTube channel that posts videos of client installs, & it has been an interest for quite some time.

I’d intend to start out small first & hopefully just work based out of home, & then if things expanded enough that home wasn’t big enough, then I’d have to start looking for either an empty lot, or an existing building (hopefully close-ish to home) to base the business out of. Also, since the only vehicle I have is a pickup, in my research on businesses like this, it seems to be beneficial to run things with a van, so I’ve been searching for one of those too, hopefully already setup with necessary shelving & such inside for carrying & organizing everything.

The current pickup would stay as a daily driver, & also be partially business use for possibly driving to a customer’s site & seeing what they need, rather then taking the van. Then when the time comes to get to work, it would be the van.

As an “experiment” to see if I would actually enjoy the work, I do intend/ hope to redo the home network here. Either way, I do want to change up the home network here, to be more smart home “friendly” despite the house being quite old. The current network works just fine, but it isn’t the most “friendly” to smart home devices, such as lights, locks, etc. & also isn’t secure for having multiple smart devices.

This “experiment” would obviously 1) allow me to redo the home network, which frankly needs to be done anyways in my opinion & 2) see if I actually enjoy doing that kind of work. If I do enjoy it & feel I’d enjoy doing this work for others, then I’d first find a job to have some income to acquire the tools & such I’d need to do this work in the first place. Majority of the tools that are in the affordable range (at this moment in time) are all in an Amazon wish list ready to go. There’s still some higher end tools I’d like to get, that would simplify things & also cut down on how many individual tools I need, but they are quite pricey. One for example, while available on Amazon, is $2,169, not counting shipping & all the extra charges, so easily $2,200.


Hopefully an update on this will come soon as I feel like I’d enjoy this type of work & hopefully the feeling I’d enjoy this type of work doesn’t fade.


That’s all for now at 11 PM on Jan. 22/2024

Until next time….. or the first edit. 😛


August 7/2023 (Music Fest Weekend)

Hi all,

Been a while since my last post.

Nothing much has happened between the last post & this one, with the exception of the music fest which was this weekend from Friday, August 4/2023 to Sunday, August 6/2023.

Went out on Wednesday, August 2/2023 for the music fest to begin volunteering even though I wasn’t on schedule until Friday. I did end up doing some shifts on Wednesday & Thursday because I asked if there was anything I could do. Wednesday I went out to the Camping/ Parking area & helped out with camper registration & such, & later was sent down to the water fill station for the campers coming in to relieve the person there before me. Got there & it turns out he didn’t need relief, because he just showed up there for a shift too. Got along with him perfectly fine & also got to hear some good tunes during the shift as he had a small-ish portable speaker along with him. Not many people needed water, because I’m assuming most people towed their trailers out with the water tanks already full.

Thursday was basically the same, except I started at 3:30 PM at camper registration & was sent down to water fill again. This time there was someone who needed relief, & unfortunately I was by myself this time. Only about 3-4 trailers showed up for water, & then 1-2 people needing water for water jugs & such. I also did get brought food around 7 PM, which was a slice of pizza (damn good pizza), bag of Cheetos, an Apple & a bottle of water. After the water fill shift was over, I ended up heading over to a good friend’s trailer, since I was invited to come visit later that night when this person showed up, & I was still on the water fill shift. Visited & hungout with them until 12:30 AM that night when they turned in for the night.

Come Friday, I slept in a little bit later then Thursday, since I was scheduled for a shift on Friday originally. This shift was security, as a volunteer, & was from 5 PM to 11 PM. As a volunteer, the “job” ended up being checking for wristbands as people were coming in, along with watching for people walking out/ trying to walk out with any type of alcohol container (Alcohol wasn’t allowed in or out, regardless if it was empty or not) & also redirecting people who tried to re-enter through the exit. End of the night as people were leaving was primarily watching for alcohol being brought out. When people were walking out, quite a few tried walking out with alcohol containers (empty, half full, 3/4 full), but they were stopped quickly. One person walked out with a container (in my opinion) hidden under his jacket, so I ended up catching up to him & stopping him. He drank the rest of it, gave me the empty, & claimed he wasn’t trying to hide/ conceal it, even though from my point of view when I saw it & in my opinion, that was clearly being concealed.

Saturday shift was from 12:30 PM to 4:30 PM & was caretaking in the food truck area, which was basically keeping the area tidy, which wasn’t difficult. It was basically a lot of walking around & multiple trips back to the volunteer “command” trailer for breaks in the shade since it was fairly hot outside. After that shift ended, I changed out & enjoyed the festival & waited until the headliner Kim Mitchell that night, as I knew a few of his songs & got a few on video & then also got the fireworks on video this night. When people were walking out that night, one person was very determined to bring his alcohol out with him. Final resolution, was it didn’t go out. On the way back to our trailer, the volunteer in charge of parking, camping & shuttle asked if I could do shuttle since he was short. I said sure, & ended up doing about 4-5 trips with people, & then at 11:30 PM on the way back to the pick up point, the same person basically said to head back & park the carts.

Sunday shift was security again, from 12:30 PM to 5:30 PM, doing the same as before. When I showed up for the shift, I was politely told by someone working with the security company (in a supervisor role), that my main role is checking for wristbands, so I focused on that, along with the occasional redirecting people to the entrance. A bit later, I was asked by one of their staff, to also keep an eye out for alcohol going out as well. I had caught 1-2 people prior to her saying this, & I do recall her saying thank you. I did politely say I was told to only check for wristbands earlier, but then she politely said, she knows, but please keep an eye out for alcohol for when they’re all busy checking bags & can’t keep an eye on the exit as well. So I did that too. There was only 2-3 of them at the entrance at this point, & no one specifically at the exit, so I kept an eye out for that as well.

Sunday shift did go a bit later, & around 5:55 PM, I ended up quickly walking out to the ticket booth & borrowing their radio to call the volunteer coordinator & ask if there was anyone on the way to relieve me. Took a few mins, but when she got back to me, I was told there isn’t anyone & that it’s okay if I just leave. I said thank you & gave the radio back. Another volunteer, who was chatting with the ticket booth volunteers, said she can be my relief, since she finished her shift earlier then expected. I politely said it’s up to her & as I walked away I heard her ask for the radio so she could call the volunteer coordinator & clear that with her. She did end up taking over for the rest of the night.

They also had a big volunteer photo again this year around 6:30 PM. The 2 people doing the announcing for the festival (MC I believe is the term?) gave shoutouts to the volunteers multiple times over the weekend, & when the picture was being taken, also a shoutout to the park staff & all the volunteers again. Hopefully the picture will be posted somewhere. The last & 1st time a volunteer picture was taken, was the 2019 music fest.

My next shift on Sunday was 10 PM to 12 AM, basically locking stuff up, but when I checked in, I was never told where to go for this, so ended up not doing this shift. I ended up signing out a radio for a bit & went to the festival entrance as people walked out. One person pulling a wagon with a chair strapped down with tarp straps had a bunch (5-6) of empties at the bottom of the wagon. Wasn’t to pleased when he had to unstrap the chair so we could grab the empties. Also claimed that someone else put them in the wagon & also said “of course they aren’t here now” when he got stopped & was told those empties can’t come out. He was not to happy he had to re-strap down his chair again A few other people were shocked & somewhat mad the alcohol couldn’t leave with them, because they were supposedly told it could. Also ended up being asked to give a shuttle ride by 1 volunteer up to the volunteer camping area, after 11:30 PM. Got the keys to a cart with bright lights (I specifically asked for a key to a cart with bright lights). Was sitting there waiting for 2 volunteers who also wanted a ride since I asked if anyone else wanted a ride & they said they did, & after about probably 10 mins, decided to just go since they hadn’t shown up yet. In the trip up there, met them already halfway up the hill. Turns out they thought the shuttle had left already, because they looked over & didn’t see any lights on & thought they missed it. So, they hopped on & I brought them up the rest of the way, & brought the original volunteer who asked for a ride, right to their trailer.

On the way back down, ran into another volunteer, who asked for a ride, so he hopped on & I turned around & brought him up to the volunteer area as well. On the way back down, stopped at the mini donut trailer (who was still open that late because they still had product they didn’t want to waste) & got a bag of mini donuts for $8. Returned the shuttle cart & the key & headed back to my trailer for the night.

Monday, I had no shifts at all & slept in later then I did on Saturday & Sunday. Walked up to the volunteer trailer later & just sat & visited with some volunteers. Didn’t ask for anything to do, because we planned on leaving for home soon. Also learned of things that happened overnight, but I will not be posting them here.

Since so much happened over the weekend, & if by some chance any of the volunteers come across this post, I will note, that all reported missing kids were found safe & sound, & the 1 lost kid (that I know of) was brought back to his parents/ guardians.

Anyways, 2023 Music Fest is in the books. Honestly, kinda sad it’s already come & gone since it’s my personal “unofficial” end of summer event. I am happy to have met & worked with some new people who I got along with great & also got to see people I worked with last year. Volunteer appreciation is scheduled for Sept. 9/2023 from what I have heard, so hopefully I’ll see some familiar faces at the appreciation & hopefully they will return next year.

On an unrelated music fest note, earlier this year, on Canada Day weekend, during a conversation one person said I should try come visit them, (I’m guessing over winter time, since they are/ were always out at the park on the weekends). I didn’t really know what to say, but I did think to myself that I will try & make that happen, but I won’t make any promises since it’s entirely possible I won’t be able to keep that promise. If by some chance you read this post, you hopefully remember this conversation on Canada Day weekend when the movie was being setup & will know who you are, since I do not name anyone in my blog posts at all.

I shall try my best to post more frequently, but when there’s nothing to post about at all, that’s when the time between posts gets longer & longer.


That’s all for now at 9:37 PM on August 7/2023.

Until next time….. or the first edit. 😛


July 1/2023 (Canada Day Weekend)

Hi all,

Been a while since I last posted. Yes, I am alive & well. Just been busy & kept forgetting to post.

Nothing much has happened around here lately, other then a bad hailstorm on May 31/2023. Probably/ most likely the worst one we’ve ever had. Our patio attached to the house is enclosed & has 3 skylights made of that corrugated plastic that matched up with the tin covering the rest of the roof.

Every skylight was shattered/ broken in some way. Each full skylight was made up of 3 full width plastic sheets cut down to the proper length. 2 of the 3 skylights were basically so shattered there was no whole pieces of any of the plastic sheets left. The 3rd one you could still tell it was made of the sheets of plastic, most likely because it got replaced with new sheets when the house got a new roof & siding done a few years before & that skylight had been leaking through a small leak for the longest time. So, when the roof & siding was being done it just got replaced & therefore it was newer plastic then the other skylights. The other skylights had been there for probably 15 yrs so far.

Keep in mind, the skylights shattered while the hail & rain was still coming down, so a lot of stuff in the patio got wrecked. Some of it was furniture that easily dried out once the heat came back & warmed up the inside. Other things were stuff that was likely going to get thrown out anyways, but we kept putting it off, because there was no reason to throw it out, until the storm.

Thankfully, we had just enough extra plastic to redo the skylights over the next week after the storm. The house got hit in some places too, with there being holes in the siding & such, but nothing to major. A few neighbors I heard had a few holes punched in their shingle roofs with plywood underneath, so I guess tin roof is the way to go.

The picture below is some of the hail we picked up after the storm had relatively cleared up. Obviously, nothing really stood a chance against hail that size & I’m pretty sure it’s the worst hail storm we’ve had, ever. Hopefully it’s the 1st & last storm that bad.

The 3 pictures below are of 1 of the skylights that didn’t come out real well/ one of the 2 with the 15 yr old plastic on it. As you can see, the hail basically shattered it to nothing. The 2nd skylight with 15 yr old plastic looked basically the same. The skylight below, each 2 rectangles going horizontally is 1 sheet of plastic. Each skylight has 3 full width sheets of plastic on it to cover it entirely.

The 2 pictures below are of the skylight that got fixed/ redone when the house got new tin on the roof & new siding & therefore was newer plastic then the other 2 skylights. As you can see, it came out much better, in the sense you can still tell it was sheets of plastic, but still had to be replaced either way.

Now onto other things. Canada Day weekend is this weekend, & the park is having a bunch of Canada Day events this year. I plan on volunteering for their battle balls & the “hamster ball” (as I call it) again this year. I also attempted applying for a job at the park, since A) I live 15-20 mins away & B) have a trailer out there already, but I don’t think I got the job. The person who does the hiring doesn’t work on weekends, & consequently I’m only ever out there on weekends.

I learned some stuff about the music fest earlier this month one weekend, in terms of what my role will be as a volunteer. I do intend to try confirm that for sure this weekend, so I don’t go ordering anything for this & then find out things changed. I have already ordered one thing from a retailer here in Canada, but the rest of the stuff will be coming from Amazon.

Also learned, that Amazon themselves actually deliver out here now, as an order earlier this year came out in a marked Amazon van, & then one of my orders came out in an unmarked van. The driver that day said they just haven’t gotten the graphics done on it yet.

This post should be posted automatically on July 1/2023 via WordPress schedule, but was pre-typed out on June 29/2023, as I do not have reliable internet at the park to do any posting out there. Those who follow me on Instagram & SnapChat may see some posts on there from the weekend.

That’s all for now at 5:57 PM on June 29/2023.

Until next time….. or the first edit. 😛


April 13/2023

Hi all,

Yes, I’m still alive & well. Just still haven’t had to much motivation to post lately. What motivated me tonight, is I realized I haven’t yet made a post in 2023.

Nothing much has happened around here, given that the snow was on the ground. Snow is slowly melting around here, but all that does is make everything a muddy mess.

I did apply to the job in town near me again, however haven’t heard back yet, despite receiving an email response from the person saying they’ll reach out to everyone in March for interviews.

I do intend to volunteer at the music festival again this year, but am unsure whether or not I’ll be able to volunteer on the Friday, since IF I get the town job again, I have to wait & see what my schedule is.

Did get a new PC at the end of March, when we were up at the relative’s again to watch the house & dogs for them, while they went on a short Spring Break trip. The previous PC was Windows 8.1, but it just repeatedly failed to upgrade to 10, even after multiple attempts. That & I have a feeling IF I had managed to upgrade it to 10, Windows 10 combined with some games I play, the CPU & Memory would’ve been under powered.

So, the new PC specs are:

  • GPU Gigabyte GeForce RTX3070 Gaming OC LHR 8GB
  • CPU: Intel Core i7 12700K @ 3.6 GHz (Not Overclocked)
    -> 8 Performance Cores @ 3.6 GHz (Not Overclocked)
    -> 4 Efficient Cores @ 2.7 GHz (Not Overclocked)
  • CPU Cooler: DeepCool AK620 Dual Tower
  • RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 3200 MHz DDR4 32 GB (2x16GB)
  • Motherboard: Gigabyte Z690 UD AX DDR4
  • OS/ Primary HDD: 2 TB Western Digital SN850x NVMe M.2
  • Storage/ Secondary HDD: 8 TB Western Digital Black
  • OS: Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
  • PSU: Corsair RM850x 850W
  • PC Case: Fractal Design Focus G

I got the PC built at a Memory Express near the relative’s place. I had a system prebuilt on their System Configurator with different specs then above (only thing that remained the same is the CPU & CPU Cooler), so I emailed it to the guy & after standing & discussing it for a while, we decided/ agreed on the specs above.

I went in on Sunday, March 26/2023 to order the build, & I believe the build process started that day, & then the build was ready on Wednesday, March 29/2023, meaning I was able to use the relative’s extremely fast internet, to re-download every game that needed re-downloading, in a matter of a few hrs.

I would highly recommend Memory Express for a PC build, & would highly recommend you walk in to a store & discuss it with a tech. Prior to doing this, I had saved multiple different motherboards & PC cases as “candidates” if the original motherboard (Gigabyte B660M Aorus Pro) fell through, & the one above was actually the “2nd candidate” if my original fell through. The PC case was actually 3rd on my “candidates” list if the original case (MSI MPG GUNGNIR 120R) fell through.

They picked out the case in the list above for better airflow compared to the MSI MPG GUNGNIR 120R. The motherboard, I’m not sure of the difference between my original one & the one they picked/ suggested, but it had everything that was mandatory for me (WiFi, Bluetooth). The original build also had 128GB of RAM, mainly to go “all out, overkill” & max out the memory, but after the discussion we settled/ agreed on the 32GB you see there.

Other then the PC, nothing else has really changed around here. I do have plans for the F150, provided I get the summer job again, since I personally would like to change the look of the F150 & also switch out the factory lights to LEDs.

That’s all for now at 6:20 PM.

Until next time….. or the first edit 😛


Nov. 26/2022

Hi all.

Yes, I’m still alive & well. Just haven’t had much motivation to post lately & honestly don’t have much motivation tonight, but I’m posting anyways.

It’s been a while since my last post, so chances are this post will be somewhat of a long one, to “recap” happenings in my life since that last post.

I guess the 1st thing to mention is, the person I was talking about in my Sept. 11 post….. is no longer in my life & the entire time I was with her, apparently that was “just a friendship”, as I was told on Oct. 23 when I tried to see her again & talk about plans we had for Halloween. I ended up seeing her briefly, as she got home from the city with the friend who had given her the ride to the city. She said she had to run upstairs quick, but that she’d likely be back outside in a few mins, but if she wasn’t, she suggested I should just leave then because she probably isn’t coming back outside.

So, I waited outside for I’m not sure how many minutes. She never came back out, but the friend who gave her a ride to the city did & 1st said that she sent them down to talk to me, & then politely said I should probably leave her place right now, & not talk to her again, at least for a while. This person is also the one that told me this entire time with her (would’ve been 6 months on Oct. 26) was “just a friendship” because she told them that. In talking to this person, because as they walked up they asked “How are you”? & I answered “could be better” & made an indirect question about if they’d want to hear my “story” (of me & her) or not & they didn’t say no, so I shared with them the entire summer with her & everything & then they got a text from her asking what was taking so long to talk to me, & that she was coming downstairs & if I was still there when she got downstairs…. things wouldn’t be good for me.

So….. I obviously left, as much as it hurt to leave, because I knew that I probably won’t hear from her again. That’s the last time I saw her even though it was for like 20 seconds as she got home from the city. I haven’t heard from her since &, while I haven’t checked, she’s probably blocked me on everything we ever communicated on, whether that was Facebook, Instagram, SnapChat, text, etc.

I honestly still feel bad even considering trying to find/ meet someone else….. because me & her got to do so much together this summer & the fact she had met both my parents, which no other person I’ve been with ever got to meet parents because we didn’t last long enough to even consider/ make plans to meet them. It was talked about in 1 or 2 of my last relationships, but that was it. No solid plans were ever made.

Next “life update” (I guess), isn’t a happy one at all, but a cousin (Geoff) in my family passed away on Nov. 3/2022 from heart failure. The service was actually yesterday (Nov. 25/2022 & then the burial was today in the town near me). I honestly have no words. The day we found out Geoff passed, my mom had a voicemail on her phone from her brother/ Geoff’s dad & the voicemail was just him asking her to call him back & that’s it. So she did…. & that’s when we found out Geoff had passed away.

I won’t share to many details, but it was his boss & a co-worker that found him, because he hadn’t showed up for work. So they drove to where he was living & banged & pounded on the door for a while, but got no answer. So they called the police, who called a locksmith to open the door. His dog was also there too, which is a way they said they knew something was wrong right away, because the dog would typically bark at anyone knocking on the door, but that morning the dog never barked at all.

The last time we saw each other, we had said we’d make plans to hangout & catch up again, & catch up a lot more because we only got to talk briefly last time we saw each other. We sadly never got to make plans though, because of both our lives being busy. His last job was working on a pipeline out of province (I believe) doing the painting or “coating” of the pipeline is the proper terminology. The slideshow at the service actually included a picture of the last pipeline he finished before he passed.

I know he’s in a better place now & is finally at peace. (Feb. 8/1977 to Nov. 3/2022)

Anyone who follows my blog, I encourage you to checkout these 2 songs, as they were played at the service on Nov. 25/2022:

  1. Give Heaven Some Hell by Thomas Hardy
  2. Savin’ Me by Nickelback

The Nickelback song was played at the beginning of the service & then both songs above were played during the slideshow, & then the Give Heaven Some Hell was played after the service as people stuck around for refreshments & sharing memories.

I did get to see some cousins & relatives I haven’t seen for a while, at the service & then again today at the burial. (I said it once at a funeral a few years ago, that it’s kinda sad that an event like this (funeral) brings people together, including people you haven’t seen for a while). When we got there for the burial, the cousin’s dad was talking to Geoff’s one son that was able to come today & at 1st I wasn’t really sure what he was talking about, as I only heard the dad say that they can get me to help, if they need to. But, I learned about 5-10 mins later after I got out of the car, that they were speaking of the pallbearers to carry the casket over (cousin was not cremated), & the dad asked me if I would like to be a pallbearer. I did say yes.

The rest after that was straight-forward. All 6 pallbearers carried him over & gently set him down (I’m not sure what it’s called that they use to lower the casket). Before the casket was lowered, the dad spoke for a bit & then Geoff’s mom shared a poem that she brought, & then we all went up 1 or 2 at a time, & placed flowers provided by the funeral staff on the casket, said a few words if we wanted to, & then he was lowered down. The funeral staff, at that point said that concludes the burial service & that they will remain there until everyone else has left, so he isn’t left alone.

I’ve never done this before on here, but I figured I’d give some shoutouts:

  1. Shoutout to Connelly-McKinley Funeral Homes for the amazing service on Nov. 25 & for the service & professionalism today at the burial.
  2. Shoutout to the staff at St. Albert Funeral Home for accommodating everyone who attended Friday evening.

I know the service & burial was this weekend, but I honestly still can’t believe you’re gone.

You were taken from us way to soon cousin. I know you’re in a better place now though & I believe you are also finally at peace. I will do my best to come visit you when I can.

Rest easy Geoff. 😦 😦 😦 😦


P.S. I may go a while without posting again after this post. Rest assured I have not forgot about this blog.

Sept. 11/2022

Hi all,

Everything is still good. Just been busy with life.

I don’t think there’s much to talk about, but we’ll see what happens as I type this.

Referencing her, who I mentioned in my last post, she was able to come to the harvest fair in the town 10 mins away from me & we both went in the parade in my vehicle, advertising for a local business in town. I got to spend the entire day with her & also took her to a Beer, Wine & Beyond event/ supper later the same day as the parade. It was basically a supper & a wine, beer tasting event. I personally don’t drink, but I figured she would be interested in going, so I bought tickets on my last day of work (August 25). The supper went until 10 PM on Saturday, August 27/2022 & then we went home. She also came home & got to spend the night at my place & then on Sunday, I don’t remember what time we woke up, but we left around 1 PM in the afternoon.

That weekend was honestly a good weekend. Me & her both had to get up early (neither of us are morning people) for 7 AM. I was up earlier around 6:20 AM, because 7 AM is when I said I’d be at her place to pick her up. Drove back to town for the pancake breakfast & then began decorating my truck afterwards. She also met my dad this same weekend. After the parade we checked out the trade show & stuff & actually went on one of those inflatable race things. As we were walking out of where the inflatable race was, dad drove up & started talking to me & then asked if she was staying the night or not. I said I think so (the previous day he had said no to her staying), so he said he’s going to go home & clean up the house a bit more. After he left I asked her if she wanted to stay the night/ I said “so….. dad just asked if you were staying the night tonight”. She hadn’t brought anything to stay the night because that morning we both assumed she wasn’t allowed to. So, we made a quick trip back to her place for her to grab anything she needed to stay the night & then came back to the trade show.

Mom went home sometime in the afternoon, until she came back in for the supper which opened at 6. Me & her passed the time by going on a bit of a tour around town & then we both took a walk to the off leash dog park, which we never got to do on Canada Day weekend because we didn’t have time that day. Then the rest of the night went good. Had supper with her & she tried/ tasted basically everything from every liquor vendor at the supper. It was small portions so nothing to crazy. I don’t drink at all, but I still went along with her to each vendor’s table & did a “smell tasting”. Honestly, if I was a drinking person, there’s a lot I would’ve tried simply based on how damn good it smelled. We left the supper around 9:45 PM, because that’s when they thanked everyone for coming & started closing things up. We got home around 10 PM, because it was only a 10-15 min drive home.

The next day when we woke up, she packed her stuff & we left around 1 PM. Before we left I drove around our property a bit more to show her around since we had gotten home in the dark the previous night, so couldn’t really show her around then, plus we were both tired from being up early Saturday morning. We drove around town more on Sunday, because the town had a “Kick It To The Curb” event, which is basically garage sales, but the stuff is free. We didn’t find anything worth keeping & left for town where she lives around 2 PM, because we were both getting hungry. Spent some time at her place helping her clean things up & I went home around 4 because she had forgot the food she brought from the supper at my place. I got home, grabbed her food & brought it back, & hung around for a bit & then went home around 5:30 PM.

Before I left around 5:30, it honestly sounds like she might tag along for X-Mas shopping with me & mom this year because she asked if we go out Christmas shopping or just order things online & I said we do go out Christmas shopping & she asked if she could possibly tag along. I’m also hoping to bring her to the haunted house in town on Oct. 29 & then when I saw her on August 1 we had talked about me coming to her place early on Oct. 31 & spending that night at her place for Halloween & actually going trick or treating.

Honestly, Canada Day weekend was the best weekend of my life this year, because it was spent with her, & was just me & her together, but the harvest fest weekend was another good weekend too, because it was with her.

We’re both hoping she can come camping once more this coming weekend (Sept. 16 to 18) because it’ll likely be our last weekend camping for the year until next year. I know there’s always next year for her to come camping again, it’s just that’s a long time to wait to bring her camping again.

It will also be 5 months together with her on Sept. 26. I honestly can’t wait to see what the future holds for me & her


Anyways, that’s all for now at 8:15 PM.

Until next time….. or the first edit 😛


August 2/2022

Hi all,

Yes, I’m still alive.

The music fest is officially over. Honestly, the music fest weekend came to quick, because to me, it’s like the “unofficial end” of summer. She didn’t get to come the music fest, because the Monday leading up to music fest weekend (July 25/2022), she got her schedule that night & she had to work Thursday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday, meaning she sadly couldn’t come. A few friends of mine mentioned/ asked, well why didn’t she take the weekend off. She didn’t do that, because she’s not even 1 month in at her new job yet. So, I took as many pictures & videos of the festival for her, as well as doing my best to do a “tour” of the venue when I got out there on Thursday, July 28/2022. I also bought her a music fest t-shirt & hat from this year, & a hoodie from a past year, along with a few things from some vendors inside the venue. I did get to see her on Monday, August 1/2022 for a few hrs & obviously give her everything I bought her this weekend.

I did get her a music fest weekend pass & camping pass (before I knew her setting up her tent across from our trailer would be okay with mom), & I didn’t want them to be “wasted”, so I ended up selling them over the weekend. The weekend pass went to a good friend I’ve been friends with since we were both 2 yrs old, & the camping pass went to 2 people who showed up while I was doing parking on the Saturday (July 30) afternoon & were in looking for a camping pass & their phone’s internet didn’t want to load the music fest site to purchase one right there.

She does work this week & weekend again, Thursday (August 4), Friday (August 5) & Saturday (August 6). She got this schedule on Monday, August 1, so it seems like she gets the week’s schedule on Mondays.

Referring to my last post, about her meeting mom on the music fest weekend, she did actually meet mom on July 16/2022, while we were in the city. Mom does like her & she likes mom, as she figured mom would. I did tell mom before we went to bed that night & after she had went back home, who she is to me. Whether mom still remembers who she is to me (girlfriend) or not, is a different story.

Her coming out camping again, any weekend after the music fest weekend, is sadly still up in the air as well as what to do after camping is done for the season, since that seems to be creeping up somewhat quicker then I’d like. Hopefully we’ll figure things out. When I saw her on Monday, August 1 I did ask if her schedule app has a spot to ask for/ request days off & it does. While I was there I did mention our last weekend camping this year will likely be the Sept. 10 weekend & I asked her which weekend (if not any weekend sooner), would she pick to come out camping again & she picked the Labour Day long weekend, so fingers crossed she can come out Labour Day long weekend, even with mom being out there too.

When I mentioned to her on Monday, August 1 that mom said a few days earlier, if she comes out camping again, mom might as well stay home, because me & her would just be gone all day & leave mom at the trailer by herself, she did say that we probably wouldn’t be gone all day/ at all. She’d likely be hanging around our trailer talking to my mom & getting to know her, because she likes my mom, & my mom likes her.

The job is going good so far. It’s actually finished on August 31. I did/ do like the job & the pay, but I honestly can’t wait for it to be finished. I will obviously be job searching to try find another job. This one would hopefully be in the same “city” the girlfriend works in, so there’s more opportunities to see her, even if it’s just stopping by for an hr or 2.

I’m still honestly not sure if I’ll apply for the same job next year or not. I’m currently still at 50/50 for applying or not applying again. The main reason for even considering not applying again is because we start at 6:30 AM, so I’m assuming that would be the same next year. Reasons for applying again are only 4 days a week, off at 4:30 PM on the dot each day & it’s only a 10 min drive from where I live.


Anyways, that’s all for now at 7:28 PM.

Until next time….. or the first edit. 😛


July 13/2022

Hi all,

Yes, I’m still alive. Just not much time to post lately.

The person I mentioned in my last post, I did get to see her on the Canada Day weekend. The weekend changed a bit, in the sense that I apparently was written in for having the Thursday off, so I picked her up on Thursday & then we went out. We did go for a drive when we got out there, since she hasn’t been in the area in a while. The weekend was great. Battle balls did not happen this year, due to the fact it poured rain all day, on the day they were supposed to happen. We did launch fireworks on Friday & Saturday night. Friday night was a simple one firework. Saturday night was a $90 firework package from the local store & we drove to the boat launch in the area, around 11:40 PM & launched them off there because there was other people there doing the same thing. Was definitely a fun time. She/ we did learn the Roman Candle fireworks (the ones you can technically hold in your hand, but you’re not supposed to) launch out the same side as the fuse. This was learned the hard way, because she lit the 1st one & it ended up launching towards her & burning her foot. Other then that, it was an amazing weekend with her, & I hope there will be many more.

I’m not sure if I mentioned it before, but her 1st day of work was actually today, so the music fest is up in the air. My last post I mentioned the music fest, it was more of a for sure thing, but since she now also has a job, it’s up in the air. She does want to attend, but still doesn’t know what her schedule will be like. IF things work out, the music fest weekend will work the same as Canada Day weekend: I pick her up after work on the Thursday & then we head straight out there, & probably stay out there until Monday, August 1 since I think that Monday is a holiday, meaning I wouldn’t be working that day anyways.

I am still hoping the music fest weekend works out, because A) that’s another weekend with her & B) if things go right, she would also meet my mom for the 1st time. I just pray I’m not scared to introduce her to mom as my girlfriend. :$ :$ If things go right that weekend, she would be meeting my non-related brother 1st, who could hopefully help introduce her to mom.

Any weekend after the music fest weekend, is still up in the air as well as what to do after camping is done for the season, since that seems to be creeping up somewhat quicker then I’d like. Hopefully we’ll figure things out.

The job is going good so far. This post is actually being posted up in the city. There wasn’t any issues getting the time off for the 2 weeks up here. The week I get back, I’ll work Tuesday to Friday, so I still get 4 days that week & then I’m back to the usual Monday to Thursday schedule.

I’m still honestly not sure if I’ll apply for the same job next year or not. I’m currently at 50/50 for applying or not applying again. The main reason for even considering not applying again is because we start at 6:30 AM, so I’m assuming that would be the same next year. Reasons for applying again are only 4 days a week, off at 4:30 PM on the dot each day & it’s only a 10 min drive from where I live.

Anyways, that’s all for now at 9:25 PM.

Until next time….. or the first edit. 😛


June 14/2022

Hi all,

Yes, I’m still alive. Just haven’t had much motivation or time to post lately.

To start with, the person I mentioned in my last post, I did get to see her again on May 23 (May long holiday Monday), & then again on May 27, then again June 3 to 4, & then again on June 11. Plans are already being made to hopefully see her again June 17 to 18 & then hopefully the Canada Day/ July long weekend, since it’s coming up relatively quick. Canada Day weekend should work out, because I don’t work the Friday (because it is actually the holiday this year), so I intend to go pick her up after work & head out camping until Sunday, July 3. After that, it’s up to the city to house & dog sit for the same relative as before, for 2 weeks this time. Both weeks, I do intend to somehow get down from the city to see her, just for the day.

Music fest weekend is still sort of up in the air, but she does want to attend.  IF things work out, the music fest weekend will work the same as Canada Day weekend: I pick her up after work on the Thursday & then we head straight out there, & probably stay out there until Monday, August 1 since I think that Monday is a holiday, meaning I wouldn’t be working that day anyways.

Any weekend after the music fest weekend, is up in the air as well as what to do after camping is done for the season, since that seems to be creeping up somewhat quicker then I’d like. Hopefully we’ll figure things out.

Onto work as a topic. My schedule will remain Monday to Thursday as I currently am/ as I figured considering that I was assigned something to do as “my” thing. No bad days so far in terms of just praying for the day to be over already. Weather does affect what we do during the day, since if it’s pouring rain, like it was today, nothing much gets done outside & we resort to inside tasks. A few people did end up going outside once the rain calmed down, to get some things done, because there was no other choice. Mowing grass will also have to be done this week, even if it rains the rest of the week, otherwise it will grow to much & we will fall behind.

I’m honestly not sure if I’ll apply for the same job next year or not. I’m currently at 50/50 for applying or not applying again. The main reason for even considering not applying again is because we start at 6:30 AM, so I’m assuming that would be the same next year. Reasons for applying again are only 4 days a week, off at 4:30 PM on the dot each day & it’s only a 10 min drive from where I live.


Anyways, that’s all for now at 9:30 PM.

Until next time….. or the first edit. 😛